
The Bible's Answer To Mental And Emotional Health
This post is about the provision God has provided to us to walk in Mental or Emotional Health. God through Jesus has provided everything.

Let Us Look To Jesus
LET US LOOK TO JESUS – LET US FIX OUR EYES UPON JESUS Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are encompassed with such a great cloud of...

Book Release
These two book releases are the starting point of stepping out to what I feel God is leading me.

Overcoming Guilt and Shame - Part 2
Until we see who we are in Christ, guilt and shame can rob us daily of the plan and purpose of God for our lives. Find out more here.

Overcoming Guilt and Shame - Part 1
Until we see who we are in Christ, guilt and shame can rob us daily of the plan and purpose of God for our lives. Find out more here.

Message: The Significance Of The Ascension of Jesus
The Ascension is the last, single, earthly event of the Ministry of Jesus. It is the completion of the resurrection.

Message: The Substitutionary Death of Jesus from Isaiah 53:6-12
Here is a recent message from a series called Foundations of the Cross. In it,
we look at the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ from

Message: Jesus, The Suffering Servant, The Arm of the Lord from Isaiah 53:1-3
This is the second message in a recent series called Foundations of the Cross. This message looks at Jesus Christ, the Arm of the Lord. It

Message: God's Servant Jesus from Isaiah 52:13-15
Here is a recent message from a series called Foundations of the Cross. A message series that starts in Isaiah 52 and looks at what Christ

7 Truths About Jesus Christ From Acts 2
The following is an outline of the message available on Youtube. Follow this link - Online Message Acts 2:22-36 “Men of Israel, hear...

11 Prophetic Truths About The Cross Of Jesus Christ
Everything Jesus promised, was centered in not only what He said but what He did and would do on the cross. Find out more here.