
Part 3 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
This third podcast looks at losing your salvation and the scriptures used to support that it. In this study I give my perspective.

Part 2 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
This second podcast looks at the eternal security side and the scriptures used to support it. In this study I give my perspective.

Part 1 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
In this podcast series, we will examine from the Bible the concepts of eternal security and losing our salvation. What does the Bible say?

Should Women Preach? Part 4 -1 Timothy 2:9-15
When looking at 1 Timothy 2:9-15 should women preach? Here is my understanding of a passage often misused to say women should not preach.

What Is The Origin of Sickness and Disease
To better understand the promise of healing in scripture, it is crucial to know the reason for sickness and disease in our world. More Here

5 Political Agendas and Bible Prophecy from the Book of Revelations
Bible Prophecy allows us to understand what is going on in our world. In this video, we examine five political agendas of the end times.

9 Reasons To Attend Church
In this message, Pastor Chad speaks to the questions: why do I have to attend when I can watch online, what’s the difference?

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Jesus will return as King of kings and Lord of lords. We will look at where Jesus will return as well as what will happen when He returns.

What Does It Mean To Fear The Lord?
This bible study beginning with Isaiah 33 will give an understanding of what the fear of the Lord is and that it is something to treasure.

The 70 Weeks of Daniel 9 Explained
In this message, Pastor Chad speaks from Daniel 9 and explains the 70 weeks of years, the great tribulation, and other prophetic events.

Should Women Preach? Part 3 -1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Should women preach? Examining 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Would the apostle Paul appeal to the law to silence women in the church?

Can Women Preach? Part 2 - Women and Redemption
Can women preach? The many questions raised concerning women pastoring or teaching can only be resolved within the context of redemption.

Should Women Preach? Part 1 - Looking at Leadership in the Home
When looking at should women preach, teach or pastor a church, it is essential to start by looking at the structure in a home.

A Godly Vision For Life
Today, many are lacking vision because they have taken their eyes off God. In this post, we will look at the principles of a Godly vision.

The Bible And Mental Health - Part 2
In this post, we will look at practical instructions from the Bible about mental health.

7 Biblical Principles For Making Difficult Decisions
It seems today that many of us have to make difficult decisions. Here are seven Biblical principles for making those decisions.

Ten Essential Characteristics Of A Bible Teacher
When evaluating someone who wants to teach in the church, here are ten characteristics of Bible teachers that I look for.

The Anointing For Leadership
To "anoint" means to dedicate someone by applying oil. In this post, we will look at the anointing for leadership and what that means.

The Bible's Answer To Mental And Emotional Health
This post is about the provision God has provided to us to walk in Mental or Emotional Health. God through Jesus has provided everything.

Bible Verses About Anxiety
Today, many are facing a seemingly endless list of adversity and difficulties. Here are 23 Bible Verses for anxiety or worry.