
What Does It Mean To Worship In Spirit and Truth? Part 1
What does it mean to worship in Spirit and Truth? Find out here. See what the Bible says this statement Jesus made in John 4.

Message: Jesus, The Suffering Servant, The Arm of the Lord from Isaiah 53:1-3
This is the second message in a recent series called Foundations of the Cross. This message looks at Jesus Christ, the Arm of the Lord. It

Message: God's Servant Jesus from Isaiah 52:13-15
Here is a recent message from a series called Foundations of the Cross. A message series that starts in Isaiah 52 and looks at what Christ

7 Truths About Jesus Christ From Acts 2
The following is an outline of the message available on Youtube. Follow this link - Online Message Acts 2:22-36 “Men of Israel, hear...

9 Reasons To Attend Church and Not Just Watch Online
As a pastor, I’ve heard many excuses for why people don’t go to Church. This post gives 9 reasons to attend church and not just watch online