
Doctrine of God: Exploring His Infinite Attributes - Part 2
Discover the infinite attributes of God in this blog post! As well as dive into the tri-unity of God and comprehend His character.

God's Plan of Redemption! Ephesians 1:7-11- Bible Study
From Ephesians 1:7-11, explore God's plan of redemption through the riches of His grace and how He lavished it on us through Christ.

29 Bible Verses About Waiting On The Lord
Learn how to wait patiently and trust in God by exploring 29 Bible verses about waiting on the Lord and the strength and hope it brings.

Short Sermon On Giving - Give, And It Will Be Given
Here is a ministry resource for pastors and churches. It is an outline of a short sermon on giving from Luke 6:38.

Ephesians Bible Study - Introduction
The following is a series of sermons on the book of Ephesians. This post will give a video message and notes for this study.

The Doctrine Of God - Part 1
The following is a Bible Study on the Doctrine of God. We will look at the knowability of God, the nature of God, and various names of God.

The Meaning of Hope in the Bible
This post outlines the essential nature of hope, gives a biblical definition of hope, and closes out with some scriptures on hope.

How To Be Strong In The Lord
The following is a message on what it means to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. It includes a video and notes.

The Doctrine Of The Bible
The following is a Bible Study on the Doctrine of the Bible.

Alcohol in the Bible: 48 Scriptures
Should Christians drink alcohol? What does the Bible say? Walk through 48 Bible Verses about drinking alcohol and let them be your guide.

Bible Memorization: Why And How
In this post, we will see the benefits of memorizing scripture and give practical tips for memorizing verses effectively.

9 Habits For A Healthy Marriage
The following is a quick list of 9 habits (tips) for having a healthy marriage.

Short Sermon Outline On Giving - The Blessing Of Generosity
Here is a ministry resource for pastors and churches. It is an outline of a short sermon on giving from Luke 6:38.

Praise Defined From Psalm 150
In this post, we will look at Psalm 150 for the various aspects of praise and get a Biblical understanding of praise.

What Are Praise, Worship, And Thanksgiving?
In this brief post, I will outline and define what praise, worship, and thanksgiving are. Here is a brief look at the definition of each.

50 Bible Verses About Righteousness
The Bible says that we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Here is a list of 50 Bible verses about Righteousness.

In The Beginning - Genesis 1 Bible Study
The following is a Bible Study of Genesis Chapter 1. It includes a video presentation along with message notes.

Should Women Submit To Men?
This post examines the question: should women submit to men? How are we to understand the head of the woman is the man?

Practical Tips For Picking A Worship Songlist
This is a short, practical post of tips for praise and worship leaders to use for picking their worship songlist.

Thoughts Concerning Worship Leading And The Leader
In this post, I want to share some thoughts to help praise and worship leaders understand their role.