
Practical Tips For Picking A Worship Songlist
This is a short, practical post of tips for praise and worship leaders to use for picking their worship songlist.

Thoughts Concerning Worship Leading And The Leader
In this post, I want to share some thoughts to help praise and worship leaders understand their role.

A Pastoral Perspective On Differences Between Congregational And Concert Style Praise and Worship
Here are some differences between praise and worship in a church and concert settings.

Tithes and Offering Exhortation - The Priority Of God's House
Here is a ministry resource for pastors and churches. It is an outline of a short sermon on giving from 1 Chronicles 29:1-9.

What Is A Virtuous Woman?
What is a virtuous woman from Proverbs 31? It may surprise you what it says. Find out more here.

Pastoral Perspective: Hymns or Choruses Controversy
This post is a pastoral perspective on the modern chorus versus hymns debate that so often divides the church.

What Bible Translation Do I Use?
What Bible translation do I use and why. Given the meaning and foundational importance that the Bible holds, it is a reasonable question.

What Is A Help Meet?
The Bible describes Eve as the help meet to Adam. This post will examine the Biblical context of what it means to be a help meet.

A Study Of Genesis - Is The Story Of Creation Literal
In this post, we will begin a study of Genesis and look at the question: is the story of creation literal or an allegory?

What Does The Bible Say About Abortion
Many Christians don’t know why they support or don’t support abortion. In this article, we will look at a biblical view of abortion.

4 Instructions From Proverbs For Health
God’s Word is our resource for the healing and health of our entire life. Here are four instructions from Proverbs 4 for walking in health.

What Does It Mean To Work Out Your Salvation - Part 2
This is part 2 in a series of messages where we examine from Philippians 2:12-13 what does it mean to work our your salvation.

What Does It Mean To Work Out Your Salvation - Part 1
In this message outline, we examine from Philippians 2:12-13 and what does it mean to work our your salvation.

Living A Life Of Holiness
Beginning with Hebrews 12:14, in this message outline, we look at what is living a life of holiness.

Healing in the Redemptive Names of God
Jehovah Rapha - The Lord is a God of healing today. The redemptive covenant of God is seen in His Names. Find out more here.

What is Faith in the Bible?
What is Faith? Get a greater understanding of the Biblical definition of Faith and the spiritual significance it has in our lives.

Bible Verses about Trusting God
Here are over 30 Bible Verses about Trusting God. If we trust in any other resource but our Father, we will fail.

Why The Word Became Flesh?
The question is, why did Jesus have to come in Flesh? Why did Christ have to come and be human? Find out here.

Diary Of A PASTOR - Bi-Vocational Pastor Sermon Preparation
The Diary of A PASTOR, encouraging and pastors leading a small church. This episode features the week of March 13th - 2022.

God's Word Is Powerful - Part 3
God's Word is Powerful. This is the final post in this series in which we see the awesome life giving ability of His Word in our lives.