
Dead In Sin - Bible Study of Ephesians 2:1-10
Discover the power of God’s grace. We were dead in our sin, but Jesus made us alive, and now we’re His workmanship. From Ephesians 2:1-10

Our Inheritance In Christ - Ephesians 1:11-23 Bible Study
Explore how God's unchanging nature and character are the foundation of His plan for our salvation from Ephesians 1:11-23.

The Meaning of Hope in the Bible
This post outlines the essential nature of hope, gives a biblical definition of hope, and closes out with some scriptures on hope.

How To Be Strong In The Lord
The following is a message on what it means to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. It includes a video and notes.

Bible Memorization: Why And How
In this post, we will see the benefits of memorizing scripture and give practical tips for memorizing verses effectively.

9 Habits For A Healthy Marriage
The following is a quick list of 9 habits (tips) for having a healthy marriage.

Praise Defined From Psalm 150
In this post, we will look at Psalm 150 for the various aspects of praise and get a Biblical understanding of praise.

What Are Praise, Worship, And Thanksgiving?
In this brief post, I will outline and define what praise, worship, and thanksgiving are. Here is a brief look at the definition of each.

Living A Life Of Holiness
Beginning with Hebrews 12:14, in this message outline, we look at what is living a life of holiness.

God's Word Is Powerful - Part 3
God's Word is Powerful. This is the final post in this series in which we see the awesome life giving ability of His Word in our lives.

Why Discipline Is Important
This is a post about the importance of discipline. Here are 8 verses and 10 thoughts about this subject.

Healing and the Atonement - Part 2
According to Isaiah, Christ took our place. He received what we deserved and satisfied the price to bring us healing and life. Part 2

11 Thoughts On Vision
Here is a short post about vision. Many of these "thoughts" about vision are things I have gleaned from others. I hope it encourages you.

Part 4 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
This fourth podcast looks at Hebrews 6 and addresses can a backslidden Christian be saved again? In this study I give my perspective.

Part 3 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
This third podcast looks at losing your salvation and the scriptures used to support that it. In this study I give my perspective.

Part 2 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
This second podcast looks at the eternal security side and the scriptures used to support it. In this study I give my perspective.

Part 1 - Eternal Security and Losing Your Salvation - What does the Bible say?
In this podcast series, we will examine from the Bible the concepts of eternal security and losing our salvation. What does the Bible say?

What Is The Origin of Sickness and Disease
To better understand the promise of healing in scripture, it is crucial to know the reason for sickness and disease in our world. More Here

9 Reasons To Attend Church
In this message, Pastor Chad speaks to the questions: why do I have to attend when I can watch online, what’s the difference?

What Does It Mean To Fear The Lord?
This bible study beginning with Isaiah 33 will give an understanding of what the fear of the Lord is and that it is something to treasure.