
Healing and the Atonement - Part 2
According to Isaiah, Christ took our place. He received what we deserved and satisfied the price to bring us healing and life. Part 2

Is Healing in the Atonement? Part 1
Did Jesus redeem us from sickness and diseases when He made atonement for our sins? Find out what the Bible says in this message.

Message: The Substitutionary Death of Jesus from Isaiah 53:6-12
Here is a recent message from a series called Foundations of the Cross. In it,
we look at the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ from

Message: Jesus, The Suffering Servant, The Arm of the Lord from Isaiah 53:1-3
This is the second message in a recent series called Foundations of the Cross. This message looks at Jesus Christ, the Arm of the Lord. It

11 Prophetic Truths About The Cross Of Jesus Christ
Everything Jesus promised, was centered in not only what He said but what He did and would do on the cross. Find out more here.