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1 Corinthians 3 Bible Study - Divisions in the Church: Carnal Christians

In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul delivers a message that resonates deeply with believers today—a call to move beyond spiritual infancy and embrace the maturity that comes with a life fully surrendered to Christ. This sermon explores 1 Corinthians 3:1-23, where Paul addresses the issue of spiritual immaturity within the Corinthian church, divisions in the church that are due to carnal Christians, a challenge that, with God's grace, can be overcome in our Christian walk.

1 Corinthians 3 Bible Study

Divisions in the Church: Carnal Christians

Paul begins by acknowledging the believers in Corinth as brothers and sisters in Christ, yet he laments their spiritual state and the divisions in the church. Although they possess the Holy Spirit, they are living as carnal Christians or fleshly, akin to infants in their faith. This message highlights the distinction between the natural man, the spiritual man, and the carnal man, revealing the struggle that even born-again Christians face when they allow the flesh to dominate their lives.

As the sermon unfolds, Paul issues a sobering warning: how we build upon the foundation of Christ will be tested. Our works, whether built with precious stones like faith, love, and service, or perishable materials like wood, hay, and straw such as selfish ambition, will be revealed by fire. This challenges us to consider the quality of our spiritual lives and our service to God. Are we building with lasting, valuable materials that will withstand the test, or are we constructing with things that will be burned away?

Finally, Paul concludes by reminding the Corinthians of their identity in Christ. They are God's temple, and the Spirit of God dwells in them. This profound truth should inspire a deeper commitment to living a life that reflects our true identity as those who belong to Christ, providing us with a sense of belonging and security in our spiritual journey.

Below is the video message and the sermon outline to this Bible Study.

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Question for Reflection:

In what areas of your spiritual life do you find yourself still feeding on milk, that is, focusing on basic teachings and not delving into deeper spiritual truths? How can you begin to grow in maturity and discernment, moving from milk to solid food, that is, from basic teachings to deeper spiritual truths, and building with lasting materials on the foundation of Christ?

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