Here are 20 questions that will help you when you read or study the Bible. These questions are practical and designed to help the reader find interesting facts and truths from scripture, as well as discover spiritual truths and apply them.
20 Practical Questions To Ask When Studying The Bible
-Who is the author?
-What were the circumstances of the author when writing?
-To whom was the book written?
-Who are the main people involved?
-Where was the book written?
-When was the book written?
-Why was the book written?
-What were the major problems being addressed?
-What is the main subject?
-What solutions were given?
-What are some of the main promises?
-What does it say about Christ?
-What are some of the key or main verses (chapter, book)?
-What are the main commands?
-What error should I avoid?
-What example can I follow?
-What do I need most in this chapter to apply to my life today?
-What are some interesting facts that I never knew (realized) before?
-What jumps out at me?
-What is God saying to me?
Bible Memorization Made Simple
Unlock the transformative power of God's Word with the spiritual practice of Scripture memorization. This book highlights the profound benefits of committing Bible verses to memory, showing how it can build your faith, provide wisdom, and protect you from deception.
Discover a practical proven and simple way to memorize Bible verses.
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Romans 10:14-15 - How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
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