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3 Things Every Biblical Man Must Be

In today’s society, manhood is often wrapped around ideas or images of strength, success, and prowess. Although, it could also be said that there is an attack on specific aspects of these things. Generally, we have been taught to admire men who excel on the gridiron or in sports, dominate in the boardroom, and are popular with the ladies. However, when we turn to the Bible for guidance, we find a different blueprint for being a man. A Biblical man is not defined by his physical abilities, wealth, or relational conquests but rather by his commitment to God and His commandments. This post will look at three things that define a Biblical man. Three traits should be foundational to the character and responsibilities of a true man of God.

being a biblical man

3 Things Every Biblical Man Must Be

1. Commitment to Working Hard

A dedication to work that honors God is at the heart of Biblical manhood. In Proverbs, we find a stark contrast between the diligent and the lazy: “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor” - Proverbs 12:24. This verse, among others, emphasizes the value of diligence and the dangers of laziness. A man who follows God approaches his work, whatever it may be, with a sense of purpose and responsibility, understanding that he is working unto the Lord.

In the Biblical sense, work was always meant to be more than a means to an end. Before the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden, work was designed to be fulfilling and meaningful. Adam’s task to “tend and keep” the Garden was purpose-filled, and intended to reflect God’s creativity and stewardship. Only after sin entered the world did work become burdensome, a curse that made labor hard and exhausting (Genesis 3:17-19). Yet, even under the weight of this curse, work remains a noble pursuit, a way to partner with God in stewarding His creation and our time on earth. A man recognizes that his work is an offering to God, a way to serve others, and a means to grow in virtue and godliness.

2. Commitment to God’s Law

A Biblical man must be deeply rooted in God’s law. The psalmist writes, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night” - Psalm 1:1-2. This delight in God’s law is not a casual acquaintance but an ongoing deep commitment to learning, understanding, and living by God’s commands found in His Word.

The Ten Commandments provide a foundational understanding of God’s expectations for humanity. To lead his family effectively, a man must first know and uphold these commandments. For instance, a Biblical man can demonstrate his commitment to God's law by teaching his children not to covet, the importance of honesty and integrity, and by showing respect for his parents. He can do this by setting a good example, discussing these principles with his family, and correcting them when they stray from these values. As a husband and father, a man’s role is to serve as a spiritual leader, guiding his family in the ways of the Lord. He is unqualified to provide this leadership without a solid knowledge, understanding, and commitment to God’s law.

This commitment takes on even greater significance in relationships and marriage. The Bible calls men to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25), a love that is sacrificial, selfless, and rooted in spiritual truth. A Biblical man understands that his first duty is to ensure his spiritual readiness and seek a partner who shares this commitment. This approach starkly contrasts worldly measures of success, which often prioritize external attributes or social status over spiritual compatibility.

3. Commitment to the Prioritization of Family

The family is one of the foundational institutions created by God, and a Biblical man understands the importance of prioritizing his family above all else. Ephesians 6:4 encourages fathers to “bring [their children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord”. This is not a task to be delegated or ignored; it is a primary responsibility that demands time, attention, and a deep commitment to God’s Word.

A Biblical man leads his family with a vision extending beyond his lifetime. He understands that his actions and decisions have ramifications for future generations. He lays a foundation that can influence countless lives by raising his children godly and instilling in them a love for God and His commandments. This generational perspective is a hallmark of Biblical manhood, where the focus is not merely on personal success but on the spiritual health and well-being of one’s family for generations to come.

In the Biblical sense, headship is about leadership through service and sacrifice. It is the idea that the man is the spiritual leader of the family, responsible for guiding them in their faith and ensuring their spiritual well-being. A man is called to lead, protect, and provide for his family physically and spiritually. This does not mean domineering or controlling but guiding with wisdom, humility, and love. A true Biblical man understands that his strength is not for his benefit but for the welfare of those under his care, showing a selfless love that warms the hearts of his family.

bible and budgeting book

The Bible And Budgeting

Discover the timeless wisdom of the Bible on managing finances with this guide, which digs into an easy-to-read list of scriptural principles related to financial matters. This book offers a practical approach to budgeting, saving, investing, and living a content and debt-free life by aligning your financial decisions with Biblical principles.



In many ways, the Biblical vision of manhood starkly contrasts contemporary cultural norms. The Bible teaches true manhood is about character, wisdom, and a heart aligned with God’s will. Proverbs 20:7 states, “The righteous man walks in his integrity; blessed are his children after him." Integrity, honesty, and a steadfast commitment to God’s ways are the marks of a Biblical man. These qualities are not developed in the spotlight but in the quiet, daily decisions to follow God faithfully, enlightening us to a higher standard and empowering us to strive for it.

By embodying these traits, a man can experience a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in his work, a stronger connection to God and his family, and a more significant impact on the world around him. A Biblical man is marked by his commitment to God-honoring labor, dedication to God’s law, and prioritization of his family’s spiritual well-being. In a world that often values the superficial, the Biblical man stands out for his depth of character and unwavering commitment to God’s principles. He seeks to reflect God’s love, wisdom, and strength in every aspect of his life.

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