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A Godly Vision For Life

I have written two other posts on the Bible and Mental Health. In the second post, I outlined some practical Biblical instruction that God has given to us that will help with our mental health if applied. I talked about committing our way to God in one of the points and highlighted the need for a Godly vision for life.

In this Covid era, it can seem like so much against a person with all that is going on. I have talked with people, Christians, who have found it challenging to maintain motivation. I have also struggled with this at times. The seemingly endless waves of restrictions, new variants, and the continual bad news that is played repeatedly have a way of draining energy and zapping any desire to try.

However, God has called us to live, occupy, and be productive regardless of the circumstance. If you think about Joseph, he was a man who had a dream given to him by God, and still, he was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused, put in prison, and even forgot about when he helped others. Yet, when you look at his life, he was productive in every situation he found himself in. We know the end of the story; the vision God had given him was fulfilled.

In this post, I want to talk about a Godly vision for life. I want to urge you to look to God for purpose regardless of what is going on. Even if you feel the dream you had before is dead or everything around you seems to be against you, I want to encourage you that God will accomplish what He purposed in you.



A verse that is very familiar to many is Proverbs 29:18. It is probably the most familiar verse that people quote with regards to vision. Read it below.

Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the teaching.

If you were to look into a dictionary, it would define vision as a sight (mentally), a dream, direction, goal, or purpose. Unfortunately, we often apply this understanding of vision to this passage from Proverbs. We limit the idea of vision to our purpose, goals, or plans, but we forget that it is not about OUR vision.

Biblical or Godly Vision is more than a purpose, plan, or goal. We cannot have vision without God. I like the ESV’s translation of this verse because it gives a more accurate understanding of the vision talked about here.

Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law. (ESV)

It is not talking about any vision but divine communication. It implies the direct, specific communication between God and people. The original root words involved in the translation of prophetic vision refer to seeing God.

In the Biblical sense, isn’t that what authentic vision is? Looking to and seeing God and out of seeing Him, I will see His image for my life.

Today, many have lacked or are lacking vision because they have taken their eyes off God.


This passage from Proverbs says that without vision, “the people perish” or “the people cast off restraint.”

That phrase is a verb meaning to let go, to let loose, to unbind. So we could say that the people let go or let loose.

One of the first times this phrase or word is used in the Bible is during the events of the Golden Calf. The story is familiar to many. Moses is up Mount Sinai, hearing from God. During this time, Moses is receiving vision, direction, and plans from the Lord for Israel. But it is taking time. Israel is becoming impatient and even questions if Moses will return, which is where we pick up the story in Exodus 32.

Exodus 32:1 - Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together around Aaron and said to him, “Come, make us gods which will go before us. As for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.”

Notice that Israel has lost hope of Moses returning. They said, “As for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.” Their leader was absent. Remember, it was Moses who God used to bring them out of Egypt. It was Moses who God used to bring them across the Red Sea and see the defeat of the Egyptian army. Through Moses, God spoke to Israel. God used this man to lead them. Moses, in many ways, could be seen as the embodiment of the prophetic purpose and vision that God had for Israel. Now, he appears to be out of the picture. What happened?

They looked elsewhere and became open to deception, self-gratification, sin, and idolatry. The Bible records that they took their gold earrings and formed them into a golden calve. They then worshipped this calve, sacrificed to it, and even said, this is the one who brought us out of Egypt.

In verse 25, we see this phrase meaning to let go, let loose, and unbind used. Notice how it is translated here.

Exodus 32:25 - Now when Moses saw the people were in a frenzy, for Aaron had let them get completely out of control (broken loose – ESV), causing derision from their enemies.

It reads in the KJV, And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:)

Here are the results of Israel looking elsewhere, losing sight of Moses, but actually losing sight of the vision of God for Israel. They moved into unbelief, they became out of control, and they broke loose. The KJV translates this phrase as the people were naked. It is possible that they became physically naked in the sacrifices and worship, but it has a greater meaning. It is saying that they had walked out from under God’s hand and were exposed as a consequence of their sin.

Israel lost sight of God and had broken loose, became undisciplined, and was wholly given over to their desires, bringing destruction. Look at the result of this.

Exodus 32:35 - And the Lord plagued the people because they had made the calf, the one that Aaron made.

Even in our physical natural world, many understand this. The business community, leadership, and self-help gurus have taken a Biblical truth and used it. Why?

Because, the fact is, if you lack vision (direction), you will live an undisciplined life and accomplish very little.

The Biblical truth of Proverbs 29:18 and the consequence of not having a prophetic vision is even more vital for us to live by. Especially considering all that is happening in our world today.


For this, I want to look to the last part of the verse in Proverbs 29:18 - but happy is he who keeps the teaching. (blessed is he who keeps the law. - ESV)

The place of beginning to receive Godly vision is in the Word of God. God’s plan for you and me is found in His book. Our purpose is revealed to us in the passages of the Bible. The Bible shows us who we are in Christ, what was accomplished in redemption, the vision God has for each of us, and what we can do and how. God’s Word is not a religious textbook but is an unlimited resource on everything we could ever need.

God’s Word is His manual to us for making the most of our lives and for beneficial or profitable living.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

You and I make the most of our lives by following what the Bible says. Notice in 2 Timothy it says that Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, and training with the purpose that you and I will be complete (whole/lacking nothing) and equipped for every good work.

Joshua 1:8 - This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

So the Bible, God’s Word, is the place to begin for Godly vision.

Often we want prophecy or the voice of God out of heaven. There is nothing wrong with those desires, and prophecy has a definite place. I would even say it is sorely missed in the church today. But the Bible is the place to begin even before looking to the prophetic voice.

Remember, the prophetic vision that God has for your life starts and is directly aligned with the prophetic voice that He gave thousands of years ago when He breathed and spoke into the hearts of men the letter, His Word, which He gave to us. The Bible is the heavenly Father’s letter (prophetic love letter) to you and me to reveal His purpose, plan, and vision for our lives.

The starting point of seeking the voice of God is looking to Him in His Word. It is in looking to what God says in His Word that His prophetic voice will come. It is in seeing Him in His Word that God will speak with the still small voice and lead you to what He has called you to do.

The detailed leading comes from looking to and seeking Him in His Word. Remember, prophetic vision comes down to seeing Him. Only in seeing Him will the vision for your life be revealed.


I want to give you three practical principles of divine vision. Let’s start by reading Zechariah 4:10 - “For who has despised the day of small things? These seven will rejoice and see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. These are the eyes of the Lord, which survey to and fro throughout the earth.” God speaks a word to Zechariah.

Here is some background to this story. Seventy years before this, Babylon attacked, came in and walked all over Israel. They destroyed their cities, tearing down their walls, and the Temple was completely ruined in Jerusalem. Then the Persians invaded and subdued Babylon. Afterward, a Persian King, King Cyrus, called for Zerubbabel, a leader in Israel. The King told Zerubbabel to take 50,000 people, return to Jerusalem, and rebuild this great city Wall and Temple.

Zerubbabel and the group of people worked hard, and when the walls were finished, they began to work rebuilding the Temple. Other people, enemies of Israel, wanted to help build the Temple, but Zerubbabel told them they could not. This created tensions. So these enemies wrote a letter to King Cyrus, who then turned around and issued a decree to stop working on the Temple. All work stopped at this point.

For approximately 17 years, the Temple lay in waste, half started, but the glory of the house of God was not complete. Zerubbabel, the man tasked with this, was left with an unfulfilled vision.

Many of us can sense what comes when we are left with an unfulfilled vision:

  • We are discouraged in our dreams

  • We can feel incomplete because of unfinished plans

  • We have a frustrated vision

  • Our hopes are dashed, and it seems we are living with a dead vision

The story doesn’t end there for Zerubbabel. That is what I want us to see. A Word of the Lord came to Zerubbabel - Zechariah 4:6-8 And he said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts. “Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will be made level ground, and he will bring out the top stone amidst shouting of ‘Grace! Grace to the stone!’ ” Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “The hands of Zerubbabel have established the foundation of this house, and they will even complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of Hosts has sent Me to all of you.

Let’s look at three thoughts out of this Word from God.


When God speaks, He will work it out. When God gives us vision, He will bring it to pass. I want to emphasize the idea of when God gives us vision. Again, it has to be His vision and purpose. God is not obligated to back up our vision. So we need to make sure it is from Him. In this passage, God spoke to Zerubbabel and declared what He was about to accomplish.

The Prophet told Zerubbabel that God would move in on the scene of what looked hopeless and lost. God backs up what He says.

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

We serve a God of hope. Any dream, vision, or plan that God gives comes with hope. No circumstance or situation is hopeless before the Lord. We should abound in hope when we know God has spoken because we know that He will fulfill what He says.

Romans 15:13 - Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Things were about to turn around for Zerubbabel, but it wouldn’t happen in physical or natural strength. It wasn’t going to happen by might nor by power but by the working of God’s Holy Spirit. Our complete dependence must be upon Him. Note, total dependence involves total submission.

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me.

In our lives, we should not rely upon others. Yes, God calls us to work together, brings people into our lives, and there is a sense of cooperation together. Our hope and strength should not be found in this but God. There will be people who fail, disappoint, and won’t live up to our expectations. There will be those who say they are for you, but their actions prove differently. Don’t ever think something is limited because of the people around you. Look to God. Rely upon God. Depend upon God. He will accomplish it. It is in His strength that it will happen.


Zechariah 4:7 - “Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will be made level ground, and he will bring out the top stone (headstone, finishing stone) amidst shouting of ‘Grace! Grace to the stone!’ ”

The top stone (headstone) spoke of here was the ceremonial last stone that was placed and used to celebrate the completion of the building project. First, God tells Zerubbabel, you will bring out and place this stone. You will see this project finished.

Secondly, in finishing the building of the Temple, you will be shouting GRACE! We can reference Christ in this. But I want us to see that in Zerubbabel’s life, it was because of God’s favor, His Grace, that He finished the Temple.

It is the same in our lives. It is the Grace of God that works on our behalf that allows fulfillment of the vision of God in our lives.

Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It is a gift of God in our lives. Grace means that which He freely gives us, we receive by faith, that we cannot earn or do anything to deserve. Grace is the divine power of God which provides us with the ability to do the things we can never do on our own.

Zerubbabel could not complete this vision, this building, himself. He could not do it. It was not going to be accomplished by human might or power, but only by God working.

When it comes to the vision of God for our lives, we must rest in God; our complete trust must be in Him. We must recognize His Grace is essential.

Yes, resting in God does not mean inactivity. Zerubbabel was going to work. God will give us responsibility, and we need to do (work) what is necessary. However, the work will only succeed and accomplish the desired outcome because God is behind it. God enables us by His Grace to achieve His vision.


At the very beginning, we saw that the Bible says Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no (prophetic) vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the teaching.

The opposite can also be said to be true. Where there is a prophetic vision, people prosper and are blessed – “but happy is he who keeps the teaching.” With a vision that looks and sees God, people do not cast off restraint, don’t lose control, and are not exposed. So look to Him today.


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© 2024 by Chad S. Fisher


For Christians, those searching out the Christian faith through proclaiming the trust and

life in Jesus Christ.

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