The goal is to encourage all pastors but especially those pastoring a small church and the bi-vocational pastor. Please feel free to share with other. In this post, we will look at the bi-vocational pastor sermon preparation.
“Except the Lord build the house, those who build labor in vain”
For the week of Sunday (March 13th) forward - metrics and highlights
Attendance - 67 total attendance, 18 children
Pastor Lorne spoke on the topic: Guarding your heart
Featured our Annual Business Meeting
I must take the time to give proper preparation for when I stand in front of the congregation and share God's Word. Poor preparation results in poor leadership. I want to be excellent for several reasons:
Who I am representing
Whose Words I am presenting
Out of respect for the congregation
To model excellence to my church
Practical Thoughts
The facts are, it can be difficult for a small church bi-vocational pastor to find the time to prepare properly. So here are just practical thoughts.
Preparation in Prayer
Preparing and delivering a powerful, life-changing message requires prayer. We can't do it in our own strength. We don't want to deliver from our ability, but His ability. So prayer is foundational.
Bible Reading and Journaling For Growth
Take the time to read, study, and journal in reading God's Word. As you do, you will be built up but also have a well of resources to draw upon.
Listen to Other Preachers
Find ways to listen to others through video and audio messages. It will help you grow and again resources to use in your preparation.
Sermon Ideas
Preach sermon series rather than trying to find a different message each week.
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