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Healing and the Atonement - Part 2

This is part 2 of the series of bodily healing and the atonement? We are asking the questions, did Jesus redeem us from our sickness and diseases when He made atonement for our sins? Did Jesus provide healing through the work of the cross?

Note: If you haven't listened to part 1 of this series, it is available here. I would encourage you to listen to the first part to get a foundation to this second message.

In this message we will see from Psalms 103:1-5 that the forgiveness of sin and bodily healing are tied together in the redemptive plan of God. David expresses blessing and thankfulness for all that God has done for him. He tells himself not to forget all the benefits of God.

According to Isaiah 53, Christ took our place. He received what we deserved in order to satisfy the price of bringing us freedom and life. Jesus paid it all; sin was paid through the shedding of blood and sickness through the physical beatings and lacerations. Christ made atonement for sin and sickness, saving you (me) from both, bringing victory over them to provide salvation to our entire being today.

Sickness is to our bodies, what sin is to our Spirits. It brings destruction and death. As we should not accept or bear sin in our lives because Jesus has already done this, in the same way we should not accept or bear sickness. Satan has no right to legally lay on us, what God laid on Christ and for which He has paid the price for.

If we understand what He did for us in regards to sin, we can see what He did for us in regards to sickness. Is healing a promise of the Bible? This is part two of this series.

healing and the atonement

Part 2 - What does the Bible say?

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pauls thorn in the flesh

Paul's Thorn In The Flesh

Many struggle with the idea that they have to suffer with sickness and disease because this is their thorn in the flesh. But what was Paul's Thorn? Was it sickness? What is the reason for the thorn in the flesh? Read and find out as Pastor Chad goes through the text from 2 Corinthians 12 and explains this passage in detail.


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© 2024 by Chad S. Fisher


For Christians, those searching out the Christian faith through proclaiming the trust and

life in Jesus Christ.

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