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Offering Message Outline – Matthew 6:21 - Inspire Generous, Eternal Giving

This resource is designed for pastors and church leaders seeking to inspire generous, heartfelt giving. This 5 Minute Offering Message Outline, rooted in Matthew 6:21, provides practical insights to help your congregation invest in eternal treasures. A free PDF download is available for easy access.


Main Verse – Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


This verse reminds us that our true treasures reflect the condition of our hearts. When we give, we set our priorities on eternal values, investing in what truly matters and aligning our hearts with God's kingdom.


Invest in Eternal Treasures: When you give, you’re not just donating money—you’re investing in God’s eternal Kingdom. Let your giving reflect a heart set on those lasting values.

Reveal Your True Priorities: How you allocate your resources speaks volumes about what you cherish most. A generous spirit shows that you value God's work above worldly wealth.

Cultivate a Generous Heart: Consistent, heartfelt giving helps shape a character focused on love, faith in God, living generously, and eternal rewards.


A. Before you come and bring your tithe/offering (pray and ask God what you should give).

B. When you give. Thank Him for the ability. Thank Him for the finances to give. Do it with honor and worship in your heart.

C. Give in faith with expectation.


In summary, Matthew 6:21 calls us to examine where our true treasures lie. It is with this thought that we need to be thoughtful in our giving as it is a clear reflection of our hearts, and giving into the Kingdom of God reveals our dedication to God's eternal purposes and a life of faith.

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Bible Memorization Made Simple

Unlock the transformative power of God's Word with the spiritual practice of Scripture memorization. This book highlights the profound benefits of committing Bible verses to memory, showing how it can build your faith, provide wisdom, and protect you from deception.

Discover a practical proven and simple way to memorize Bible verses.


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Romans 10:14-15 - How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

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© 2024 by Chad S. Fisher


For Christians, those searching out the Christian faith through proclaiming the trust and

life in Jesus Christ.

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