Here is a ministry resource for pastors and churches. It is an outline of a short sermon on giving from Luke 6:38. It will encourage your church to give and see the blessing of giving in tithes and offerings.

Short Sermon on Giving - Luke 6:38
Main Verse - Luke 6:38
Plain Truth: God will return more to you, in one way or another, than you give to Him. Remember, this is not only talking about material resources, but also our giving love, blessing, and forgiveness to others. We will never lose when we unselfishly give those things after the pattern of God’s generosity.
A. Giving is the prerequisite to receiving. - Give, and it will be given to you.
B. We will receive in abundance for our giving. - Shall men give
They shall give you good measure.
Pressed down - As figs or grapes might be, so that many more might be put into the measure.
Shaken together - To make it more compact, giving more.
Running over - So full that the measure would overflow.
C. Interesting Fact
The word “bosom” references a custom among Oriental nations of making the bosom or front part of their garments large enough so that material goods could be carried in them. Like a large pocket.
A. Before you come and bring your tithe/offering (pray and ask God what you should give).
B. When you give. Thank Him for the ability. Thank Him for the finances to give. Do it with honour and worship in your heart.
C. Give in faith with expectation.
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