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The Diary Of A PASTOR - Introduction

According to different sources, the average congregation is classified as a small church with a weekly attendance of 65 people or less. As a pastor, I am currently in that context. I am pastoring a small church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Our current average attendance of 60-65 people.

“Except the Lord build the house, those who build labor in vain”

So I decided to do something to encourage other pastors of small churches and those like me who are a bi-vocational pastor. I thought that sharing my journey would, the joys, the struggles, the wins, and the mistakes through a weekly look back at what happened in my context would be something to help pastors, and let them know they are not alone.

Our world needs strong and vibrant churches. That requires strong and vibrant pastors.

I plan to produce a weekly episode available in both video and audio formats. Being a pastor that is seeking to see the church I lead grow, develop, and become everything that God has designed it to be. I know that is the heart of many of you. I hope to be part of that and offer encouragement and tools to help you in these weekly episodes.

Here is what I plan to provide in these episodes:

  • Weekly metrics (where we are at) – how are we progressing

    • First Sunday (March 6th) – 68 attendance, 22 children

    • our service included: communion, baby dedication, potluck fellowship

  • Share ideas/resources that I am using

  • Looking at the struggles, difficulties, growing pains

  • Looking after yourself as a pastor

  • Fundamental Characteristics that we operate by

  • Share vision/goals and how we are going about to accomplish them

  • Answer questions, thoughts, comments

  • Periodic Guest Pastors (big, small, rural, urban) to influence/encourage, equip

Please subscribe and share this with other pastors, especially anyone who is a bi-vocational pastor or pastoring a small church.

Subscribe to my audio podcast.


© 2024 by Chad S. Fisher


For Christians, those searching out the Christian faith through proclaiming the trust and

life in Jesus Christ.

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