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Tithes and Offering Sermon Outline - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Here is a resource for pastors and churches. It is a short tithes and offering sermon outline from 2 Corinthians 9:7. This is the second from this short series of 3 messages. It will encourage your church to give and see the blessing of giving. A PDF version is also available for download.

tithes and offering sermon outline - 2 corinthians 9:7

Outline - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Main Verse – 2 Corinthians 9:7


Plain Truth: The main idea in this verse is, that the act of giving should be voluntary and cheerful. (In all areas of giving)


A. Our giving should be influenced by the purposes of our heart. Note: it could be said that our giving reveals the purposes in our heart. This reflects our relationship with God.

B. God does not want our giving to be in a grudging manner (reluctantly, unhappily giving with plenty of complaining) or of necessity (given because someone has forced us or manipulated us into giving).

C. God wants us to give cheerfully. God wants us to give happily. Note: God willingly gives to us, He is an example of how to give.


A. Before you come and bring your tithe/offering (pray and ask God what you should give).

B. When you give. Thank Him for the ability. Thank Him for the finances to give. Do it with honor and worship in your heart.

C. Give in faith with expectation.

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© 2024 by Chad S. Fisher


For Christians, those searching out the Christian faith through proclaiming the trust and

life in Jesus Christ.

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